To order contacts, please contact our office by phone 201-666-8081 or email [email protected].
Include your name, phone number, your contact lens information, quantity you wish to order and we will call back to confirm.
All orders will be confirmed via text/email/or phone with the total cost before an order is placed.
**Use our new Online Contact lens ordering system, MARLO.**
Easy, order 24/7, Free Shipping 2-day shipping, order confirmation and tracking, online, payments, and more.
Advanced skills in contact lenses. Including:
Include your name, phone number, your contact lens information, quantity you wish to order and we will call back to confirm.
All orders will be confirmed via text/email/or phone with the total cost before an order is placed.
- Let us ship your lenses to you directly for your convenience.
- We match 1-800 contacts online pricing in most cases. Ask for details.
**Use our new Online Contact lens ordering system, MARLO.**
Easy, order 24/7, Free Shipping 2-day shipping, order confirmation and tracking, online, payments, and more.
Advanced skills in contact lenses. Including:
- Myopic Control (stop/slow down your child’s prescription changes)
- Multifocal contacts (read with your contacts and no glasses)
- Toric contacts (for astigmatism)
- Newest 1 day contact lenses
- Keratoconus contacts
- Lasik, no blade Lasik consultation